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From Sports Science to Social Entrepreneurship : Raymond Sum Advocates Positive Life with Physical Literacy (II)
PLACY welcomes parents and schools to bring primary and secondary school students to take tests and activities to realise their potentials. “PLACY-Academy. Our name shows that assessments aside, we are more like an academy which matches students’ abilities with suitable sports and gives advice. We also have rankings, awards, certificates and scholarships to encourage students who wish to take competitive sports. These measures recognise their “special talents” and highlight their various abilities, making it easier for schools to develop physical education curricula and sports programmes.
From Sports Science to Social Entrepreneurship : Raymond Sum Advocates Positive Life with Physical Literacy (I)
Prof Raymond Sum, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) and Associate Professor of Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, CUHK, strides in pride from the academia to being the CEO of a social enterprise. “This is the attitude of an elite sportsperson — ‘You want to challenge me? You better do!’” Sportspersons are always well prepared. Raymond’s robust physique is shaped by persistence and self-discipline.
慶中大60周年 48支學界勁旅角逐3X3籃球邀請賽
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三人籃球|中大三人籃球賽5月底舉行 邀請中小學生做體適能評測
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