Phone : 39439246 Email : rayho@cuhk.edu.hk Personal Website : http://www.peu.cuhk.edu.hk/zh-tw/about-us/staff/ho-wai-keungIntroduction
Mr. Ray Ho is currently a lecturer at the Physical Education Unit of CUHK. He teaches PE required courses and Taekwondo elective course with the degrees of MA and BEd of CUHK. He is a certified Health Fitness Specialist of American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).
Mr. Ho also serves as a lecturer of the Physical Fitness Association of the Hong Kong (PFAHK), committee member of the Chinese Physical Literacy Association (CPLA), intermediate coach of the Hong Kong Taekwondo Association, and coach of CUHK Taekwondo team. Currently, he is studying in a PhD program in the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, CUHK.
Mr. Ho received the University Education Award (Teams) (2019), Exemplary Teaching Award from Faculty of Education, CUHK (2019-2020). His research interests are physical literacy, effects of e-sports on adolescents and young adults.